A blog by Javier Wanga, Head Coach at CrossFit Hofplein, for Wodstylez Blueprint True StoryDepending on the programming software a box uses, usually around 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening the tension and stress rises immensely. It's the moment the program is released to all athletes for next day's workout. That feeling of being excited, or the complete opposite, being disgusted, is irreplaceable and the nice thing is you can talk to all your CrossFit friends about it. I think we can all relate; if possible we talk about CrossFit...

Using CrossFit to prepare for a Spartan Ultra raceTime to explain a little bit about the ‘crazy stuff’. Hi! My name is Melissa. As some of you might knowI run Obstacle Course Races (OCR) as my main sport. Simply explained: it’s a course of an X amount ofkilometers, with a lot of different kind of obstacles. The more, the merrier I will be. This can be ropeclimbs, tall walls, technical grip based obstacles, sandbag carries or for example combined with abarbed wire crawl. I have seen all these obstacles implemented...

In the past 6 years I have read many books, listened to podcasts on how to be productive, set goals and reach them. With this combination of acquired knowledge, I have created my own formula. I want you to take from this, what works for you. Add your own spice to it, there is no one way, most important is to act instead of only knowing. "What is your dream goal?" I want you to feel what your passionate about, what would you choose for if everything is possible. I believe it...

The eternal competition with yourself! We crossfitters are actually a very special species. We are extremely competitive, turn our box into a second living room and bombard our CrossFit buddies into best friends, soul mates even. Yet we often don't like team sports. I also belong to that category. The sports that I do besides CrossFit are all individual sports; running, cycling, yoga. I have never really understood the fun of a team sport. This is partly due to the obligation of fixed moments; training every Monday and compulsory competitions at the...