Personal training

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Every persons needs are different

Personal Training


Build on your health and fitness with a personal trainer at CrossFit Hofplein in the City Centre in Rotterdam or at Schiebroek-Hillegersberg.


No matter which fitness level you’re at we can help with everything! Build strength and improve your conditioning. Learn new or improve skills in Gymnastics or Olympic weightlifting. Or you want to lose or gain weight and get in the best shape of your life!



So, no matter what, we have the solution for you!

the prices

You can choose 2 locations for your Personal Training. One location is in Schiebroek the other in the city centre of Rotterdam.


So do you want Personal Training or do you have any questions, give us a message!

Meet our Personal trainers







“Mark his favorite Quote”


Coaching is an action, not a title, and actions result in success.

 Locations: Schiebroek and City Centre






“Paulo his favorite Quote”


Your health is one of the most important things you have in life! get to know yourself better while working on a healthy lifestyle! 

stay awesome.

 Location: City Centre

contact us, to get started!

Don’t believe us….

THis is what they say

Unstoppable together

CrossFit makes you stronger, both physically and mentally and the close community is an important part of this

 CrossFit Hofplein