Perfection is a goal Precision is what you aim for
We offer personalized programs only. No standard formats.
The Personalized Strength and Conditioning programs are designed to meet you as an athlete where you are now and build to where you want to be.
- Weekly Training Plans
- Direct contact with your coach
- Review results
- Program Specific for you
Snatch, Clean, Jerk doesn't matter which movement with a barbell, dummbell or kettlebell. You should be training with everything to become that Allround Athlete
2 Days Per Week
€ 40,- Month
Working on specific skills or building strength on specific lifts? This one is for you! Ultimate if you want to do some workouts in a class aswel
3 Days Per Week
€ 45,- Month
For those who like to workout in a group one or two times per week. This is perfect if you want to work on specific skills or build strength
4 Days Per Week
€ 47,50 Month
If you want to bring the heat to the competition floor. 4 training sessions per week to work up to your personal goals
5+ Days Per Week
€ 52,50,- Month
Going all-in, 100% dedicated to reach your goals. Qualify for a competition or crush the Box Throwdown. This one is for you if you don’t botter to train alone and completely going into your training modus almost every day
We Are Here to Help You!
Our Location
At CrossFit Hofplein/ The Compound Adrianalaan 382 3053JC Rotterdam
Whatsapp only +31613226273
Opening Hours Mon-Sat:
8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.